About Us

 A noble initiative by eminent business personalities and highly enthusiastic students of management placed across the length and breadth of India and abroad, “Managers Without Borders – India”. MWB is a Non-Government Organization registered under Andhra Pradesh Society’s Registration Act, 2001.

MWB India is affiliated as a youth club to NYSK (Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, and Youth Affairs & Sports), listed member in NGO's department Planning Commission of India, and also listed member in the website of Department of Economics and Social Affairs (DESA) and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Youth for Social Policy and Development Division of United Nations NGOs Department.

Mission: To bridge the gap between various stakeholders in Nation building process by constructing a dense network of students and professionals. 

Vision: To integrate Venture Capitalists, Promote Social Entrepreneurship, Incubators, and wannabe Entrepreneurs, Skill development through workshops and provide a national-level platform for business ideas in various sectors.

MWB India is one of the youngest NGOs in South Asia to reach the final in the e-NGO Challenge South Asia awards in 2015 for using internet tools to promote entrepreneurship. Our initiatives are-

i. Pledge to Recycle: Every year 40,000 million tons of e-waste is generated, as a part of environmental awareness we took up this "I Pledge To Recycle" online social media campaign.

ii. Longest Mobile Chain (Guinness World Record): As a part of the "I Pledge to Recycle Campaign" to kick start we attempted and established Guinness World Record by placing 3766 mobiles over 481.08 meters and successfully we broke the previous record of 3152 mobile over 420 Mts.

iii. e-NGO Challenge, South Asia, 2015: Received certificate of recognition for being the finalist in the contest, using the internet to promote entrepreneurship, and provide training to budding entrepreneurs.

MWB - The Official Student Chapter of IBS Hyderabad

Since our inception in 2016, we have played a pivotal role in shaping the managers of tomorrow. We strongly believe a manager’s third eye lies in his ability to research, analysis and interpretation. Hence, the core of the MWB IBS Chapter lies with Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). The research domain mostly concentrates on the area of Finance and Marketing keeping in view the E5 concept (Energy, Economy, Environment, Employment, and Entrepreneurship). RAW has the scope of covering the domain of Analytics and Operations as well as Human resources. Our flagship domains are CSR and SSR that conduct various activities throughout the year that includes plantation drives, environmental awareness drives, school paintings, etc. We also conduct a number of Guest Lectures by eminent industry personalities to enhance the knowledge base and get an insight into real-world problems. 

Our flagship event - E Summit is the flagship event of MWB conducted in Trishna. The event is not just a grandeur platform that exalts the knowledge of the participants but also gives a golden opportunity to have experience in writing a  research paper. E Summit has attracted ardor participation from students of IBS Hyderabad and other colleges. The event is a nexus of rounds conducted in three days that culminate with the submission of a research paper written on one of the 5 Es, giving a glimpse of the challenges faced by the corporates. To give our members a holistic development environment, and be future-ready, we bring internships so that the knowledge gained from the classes is actually applied in the real world.

In addition to it, MWB Student Chapter functions as a corporate body, divided into verticals, giving its members ample opportunities to develop their managerial skills in a conducive environment.  In our approach towards holistic development, we have the following verticals:-

1. RAW Finance - The vertical connects the financial knowledge gained in class to the real world business happenings, building a strong foundational knowledge in finance that helps in placements.

2. RAW Marketing - Apart from research and analysis in the field of marketing, we try to connect and solve real-world marketing issues that help our members in gaining insights that help them in a successful long-term career in the field of marketing.

3. HR Vertical - The vertical aims to impart awareness and knowledge on the importance of HR in any organization, and help provide opportunities to improve one's people skills that are necessary not only for personal development but also on an organization level. We also try to apply our knowledge to create surrounding supporting HR values and cultures.

4. Events Vertical - The vertical is the base of all the planning and organizing of various activities, events, and collaborations of the chapter.

5. PR Vertical - The PR Vertical acts as a facilitator to increase the brand visibility of our sponsors & clients within IBS. With the help of our industry connections, we come up with internships & live projects opportunities for several students. We also conduct various Guest Lectures with industry experts to increase the knowledge base of our members.

6. Operations Vertical - Our vertical conducts and assists the chapter in day-to-day operations that include logistics, getting permission from the management to conduct any event on the campus, making sure that event forms are signed, and interacting with the officials to get the required LT's.

7. Digital Vertical - It involves Creating Visually Appealing Content and graphics (motion and still) through software know-how and using it for the betterment of our chapter. The vertical gives opportunities to showcase an individual's creativity.

8. Content Vertical -  We project the core values of the chapter through the art of writing articles, blogs, reports, short and long write-ups. We specialize in delivering an ideology of the chapter to different parties involved with the organization.

9. E5 Vertical - We are the research wing of our chapter, conducting various research in the field of Energy, Environment, Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Employment that are the pillars of the modern world. 

10. Catalyst - The vertical is designed for budding entrepreneurs who are interested in analyzing startups and devising a business plan.

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